Hi, I'm Kat OM -

One of the first things people want to know is if “OM” is really my last name or a moniker I gave myself? “OM” are the initials of my last names. I’m not married longer but I felt OM is what made me who I am today. A friend recommended I keep it.

I am a Mindfulness Resilience Coachsultant.
I help people combat self-defeating thoughts that disempower them, so they can become more empowered, resilient, and feel more joy in their lives again.

If you're like me, you thought in order to be resilient, you have to suck it up and be strong.
But that's exactly what keeps you stuck and sucks the life out of you.

You don't need to be strong.
What you need is to do is take a deep breath, be kinder to yourself, and stop beating yourself up so much.
Just hearing that, how different does that feel?

That means it's working already.
That's because our thoughts and how we speak to ourselves has a direct correlation with how we feel. We feel it in our bodies.
Our thoughts can make us feel more energized or more depleted.
When you have more kind, compassionate thoughts, you have more energy to keep moving forward.
Thus making you feel more resilient.


I didn't know any of this until I hit rock bottom going through a divorce.

 A friend suggested I see a life coach. Something I had never done before. I didn't even know what a life coach did? Turned out she was very kind, compassionate, and caring. She listened to me, guided me to books, and helped me to see things differently. Discovering these healing books led me to the most amazing personal growth and spiritual teachers. And I was someone who always hated school, but now all I wanted to do was learn more.

I remember one of my teachers saying she could help make me become happy again. It felt like a long time since I was happy. I didn't know if it would work? But I was willing to try. I wanted to feel happy again.  She gave me the tools and practices. Practices my friends could never give me. Not because they didn't care,  but they didn't have the training.

I was blown away. 

With these tools and this practice, I felt lighter and freer. Things started making more sense in life. I found out I had more power than I realized. I found out I had the power all along, I just had to learn how to access it.  

I felt more resilient. Not only did it make me more resilient, it brought more meaning into life. It made me feel happier and more at peace. I am able to handle life's ups and downs. I no longer stay down for long periods because I know how to get myself out of a funk now. And I feel more authentic and honoring myself as I do it.

 Today, I have the tools and self-awareness where I am in control of my emotions. Instead of my emotions being in control of me. Now, when life gets little crazy, which it does, I have the mental and emotional tools to bounce back stronger than before and feel the way I want to feel again. Which is to feel peace, Love, joy, empowered, and inspired.  

I was mad too. Why didn't I know this sooner? Why did I have to wait until I was in my 40s to learn these life-changing tools? Why didn't they teach us this in school? 

How do you look for something you never knew you needed but is so life-changing?  

You know when you find something amazing, you have to share it with everyone? I became so passionate about this work, I left a 20-year career in music, fashion, and special events to receive my life coaching, spiritual, mindfulness, and meditation teacher training certifications. I combine all of my experience into a unique training I call “Mindful Resilience.”

I believe everyone should have these tools. Tools that will help you not only bounce back but bounce back better. As you continue using these tools you will uplevel each year. And you will have more peace, joy, meaning, and resilience in your life.

If you are someone who is ready to change your life, just as I did mine, you can schedule a free Discovery Call with me today by heading over to my “Work with me” page. 

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There are so many ways I can start helping you today:
- I offer a free "Self-Love 911 Toolkit." It is my gift to you that you can download now.
- I also have a free blog that you can come back to again and again each month right here on Kat OM Life.
- You can order my book, Resilient Love available on amazon.com.
- We can connect on Instagram or Facebook.
- Or you can book a session with me through my “Work with me” page.
These are the many ways I can support you on this wonderful journey called life.

Wishing you peace, love, and blessings, 


Kat OM